The Difference in Protests…Left vs. Right

So, I have been watching these far-left safe space loving cry babies get all wound up over words that are being spoken at college campuses and GOP events during the past few months.   For a group of people that tout free speech and peace they sure don’t show that when faced with opposing views.  Take the epic verbal smack down Steven Crowder delivered this week at a bunch of protesters at the UMass Conservative Forum:

Watch Video of Steven Crowder Here


These people need a dose of reality and being babied all these years and demanding only their speech is free speech are going to have a tough life ahead.  Fast forward a couple of days and at two separate Trump events, things go ugly, very ugly.  Here are some pics from the California event in Costa Mesa California:

Now I support the freedom to assemble and peacefully protest…but when the far-left wing groups start getting violent, it has to stop.  I know, those will say to this, hey the Tea Party was bad…I was big in the Tea Party and all the rallies I went to or help organize, we had peaceful, liberty loving citizens who loved their country there and I challenge anyone to cite a time when a conservative group staged a mass violent demonstration like is being demonstrated in California, and in the past NY and Chicago.  Here are some pics from my rallies that I went to in early 2010’s and notice the stark differences, people sitting, not being violent or out of control.


So, where do we go from here?  The people on the Right side of the political spectrum need to stay non-violent and continue to support the Constitution, Liberty and love of our country.  The far-left, if you are going to want people to side with you other than the BLM, FTP and George Soro’s type groups, grow up and calm down.  We are all Americans and we need to come together and live and yes, even disagree on things.  If you want to hear me live and also get all of the news and views that you can use, follow the Brower Report on Facebook and listen live Tuesday nights at 8pm EST on Facebook Streaming and Blog Talk Radio .


Photos courtesy of CNN, The and Conservative Outfitters and me.

The Difference in Protests…Left vs. Right

So You Want A Raise?

It’s been awhile folks.  I am 45 years old and at the end of this year I will finally have my BA in Business Administration.  Needless to say, I have been busy working full time and busting my butt getting my education….this is not what these whiny babies are doing demanding $15.00 an hour for minimum wage.  BLM, FTP, George Soros and other far left-wing fringe groups are taking advantage of the young in this country by having them demand an increase to $15.00 an hour for unskilled labor jobs.  Take for instance that some fire fighters start out at a wage of $10.81 an hour to save your house.  EMT’s and Dental Assistants make an average starting wage of around $17.00 an hour but they have to have school and the skill set to be able to do the job.  Burger flippers and other minimum wage jobs do not require a skill and should be compensated as such.   Those that are demanding the $15.00 an hour increase do not realize that they will price themselves out of a job.  There is already companies that are adding kiosks and other automated ordering systems to replace human workers.  Minimum wage is meant to be used as a starting point, a way to get your first job and move up from there.  The problem with this country now is that the entitlement mentality is entrenched and they are demanding more and more.  Also, people working at the bare minimum wage will not be able to afford the products they produce, such as a burger, salad, toy, etc due to the fact that the company is going to have to raise the prices on products to compensate for the increased salary.  Those that are already making $15.00 or more will not get a bump as many that are supporting the increase are saying.  It’s basic economics and these that are demanding the increase are failing badly in that area of understanding.  So my advice to those that are protesting.  Do something to better yourself, work hard, go to school(heck if you have to get a loan, do it-there is no such thing as a free lunch) and once you bust your hump, you will be surprised at the increase in wages you will receive.  Channel your energy there instead of demanding free crap.


Tune into The Brower Report Tuesday nights 8pm EST on Blog Talk Radio.  Follow the show on Facebook for all the news and views that you can use.

So You Want A Raise?