The Difference in Protests…Left vs. Right

So, I have been watching these far-left safe space loving cry babies get all wound up over words that are being spoken at college campuses and GOP events during the past few months.   For a group of people that tout free speech and peace they sure don’t show that when faced with opposing views.  Take the epic verbal smack down Steven Crowder delivered this week at a bunch of protesters at the UMass Conservative Forum:

Watch Video of Steven Crowder Here


These people need a dose of reality and being babied all these years and demanding only their speech is free speech are going to have a tough life ahead.  Fast forward a couple of days and at two separate Trump events, things go ugly, very ugly.  Here are some pics from the California event in Costa Mesa California:

Now I support the freedom to assemble and peacefully protest…but when the far-left wing groups start getting violent, it has to stop.  I know, those will say to this, hey the Tea Party was bad…I was big in the Tea Party and all the rallies I went to or help organize, we had peaceful, liberty loving citizens who loved their country there and I challenge anyone to cite a time when a conservative group staged a mass violent demonstration like is being demonstrated in California, and in the past NY and Chicago.  Here are some pics from my rallies that I went to in early 2010’s and notice the stark differences, people sitting, not being violent or out of control.


So, where do we go from here?  The people on the Right side of the political spectrum need to stay non-violent and continue to support the Constitution, Liberty and love of our country.  The far-left, if you are going to want people to side with you other than the BLM, FTP and George Soro’s type groups, grow up and calm down.  We are all Americans and we need to come together and live and yes, even disagree on things.  If you want to hear me live and also get all of the news and views that you can use, follow the Brower Report on Facebook and listen live Tuesday nights at 8pm EST on Facebook Streaming and Blog Talk Radio .


Photos courtesy of CNN, The and Conservative Outfitters and me.

The Difference in Protests…Left vs. Right

So You Want A Raise?

It’s been awhile folks.  I am 45 years old and at the end of this year I will finally have my BA in Business Administration.  Needless to say, I have been busy working full time and busting my butt getting my education….this is not what these whiny babies are doing demanding $15.00 an hour for minimum wage.  BLM, FTP, George Soros and other far left-wing fringe groups are taking advantage of the young in this country by having them demand an increase to $15.00 an hour for unskilled labor jobs.  Take for instance that some fire fighters start out at a wage of $10.81 an hour to save your house.  EMT’s and Dental Assistants make an average starting wage of around $17.00 an hour but they have to have school and the skill set to be able to do the job.  Burger flippers and other minimum wage jobs do not require a skill and should be compensated as such.   Those that are demanding the $15.00 an hour increase do not realize that they will price themselves out of a job.  There is already companies that are adding kiosks and other automated ordering systems to replace human workers.  Minimum wage is meant to be used as a starting point, a way to get your first job and move up from there.  The problem with this country now is that the entitlement mentality is entrenched and they are demanding more and more.  Also, people working at the bare minimum wage will not be able to afford the products they produce, such as a burger, salad, toy, etc due to the fact that the company is going to have to raise the prices on products to compensate for the increased salary.  Those that are already making $15.00 or more will not get a bump as many that are supporting the increase are saying.  It’s basic economics and these that are demanding the increase are failing badly in that area of understanding.  So my advice to those that are protesting.  Do something to better yourself, work hard, go to school(heck if you have to get a loan, do it-there is no such thing as a free lunch) and once you bust your hump, you will be surprised at the increase in wages you will receive.  Channel your energy there instead of demanding free crap.


Tune into The Brower Report Tuesday nights 8pm EST on Blog Talk Radio.  Follow the show on Facebook for all the news and views that you can use.

So You Want A Raise?

The Case Against Chalk

Rot row raggie, the wussification of America’s youth is rearing its ugly head again.  Welcome to Emory University.  I read a story on Fox News that students are losing their minds over chalk that depict Trump 2016.  They feel threatened and racially discriminated against, oh please.  I am not a Trump supporter and would be scratching my head if it were “Feel The Bern” Sanders name and kids at a conservative college were going nuts as well.  Grow the “F” up.  If chalk writing makes you feel unsafe, I feel pity for you going out into the real world where real danger lurks, such as MSG, ISIS, uneven sidewalks, getting fired, hell, even driving a car are more dangerous to you than some dusty chalk that will wash away at the first sign of rain.  Here is a quote from one of the students…I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” she told the campus paper. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well…I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school.”  Afraid at your school? Afraid of differing thoughts?  When you start to want to silence differing opinions, that is what Facism is about.  And they say the GOP is Fascists.  Here is another quote from a group of students from the Fox News story, “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain,” students shouted as reported by the campus newspaper. “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”  Pain, you have no idea what pain is.  Pain is the death of your spouse, pain is the loss of a child, pain is the loss of career….I blame the schools and the parents of these coddled brats that live in a fantasy world.  Hell even Bill Mahr stated he wants to dropkick these kids.  Another story that came out today is from Scripps College, were one of the whiteboards on the student government presidents dorm room had scrawled, “Trump 2016″…gasp.  She states this is intentional violence against her..what the hell.  She wants the college to investigate the matter.  Why, take it down or erase it.  This is not an attack or racist.  For the love of God, I pray for our country.  I pray that whomever becomes president in 2016 will stop this madness…whether it be Trump, Cruz, Clinton or Bernie…they have the ability to change the tone.  Listen live tonight on The Brower Report at 8pm Eastern on Blog Talk Radio and Facebook streaming.

The Case Against Chalk

Didn’t Lose a single person…

WTF?  Really Hillary?  We didn’t lose a single person in Libya?  Are you living in a freaking dream world?  I guess U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are not people.  What difference does it make?  That’s what you said when testifying….what difference does it make.  It makes a whole hell of a lot of difference, you head in the sand devil.  I guess it all depends on what the word person means right?  Like good ole Billy Boy Pants Chasing Blue Dress Loving husband of yours said it all depends on what the word “is” is.  You are a disgrace to this country and the office that you hold as Secretary of State.  You lied to the faces of the parents of these brave men saying it was all over a video.  Whatever.  It was not a video that killed these men, it was Islamic Radicals that want nothing more than to kill us all and you and the folks in the MaoBama administration want nothing more than to marginalize and brush this under the rug.  I am going to take great delight in watching you get perp walked into jail when the FBI comes down hard on you for violating federal law over your precious emails.  What really boggles my mind is that people support you.  I can not wrap my head around this.  I voted today…and even though folks out there think I am supporting Trump with all my heart, the candidate I wanted, Rand Paul is out, I did vote for a candidate that supports my values and every single Republican candidate out there now is 100000%’s better than Hillary “Perp Walk” Clinton and good old Feel the Bern Sanders.  It’s funny, a long time friend defriended me over this Blog calling me basically a Nazi.  This idiot has not a clue what Fascism is.  Fascism in today’s context is people that want to silence speech, kinda like the George Soros funded, BLM, and FTP.  These are the real Fascists out there.  So Miss Gaffe-a-lot, we did lose people in Libya and I hope they haunt your mind every time you close your eyes for the rest of your life.  If you want to hear me live, tune in Tuesday nights at the Brower Report at 8pm.  For all the news and views that you can use.  Follow us on Facebook.

Didn’t Lose a single person…

House of Cards…GOP style.


You know what I am pissed about?  The last time you saw the Republicans all frothed up and becoming a detriment to themselves was in 1964, when they all but lost their minds over Barry Goldwater.  Back then you had the mainstream GOP calling Goldwater a maniac, bigot and mentally unstable.  Flash forward to today and this new batch of the elitists from both the left and the right are putting the same bull crap forward against Trump.  It is bad enough that the Democrats are going to go balls to the wall with anti-trump talk, but when Trumps own party is doing the same thing…what the hell.  Ted Cruz said Trump is at fault for the violence….how about George “spooky ” Soros and BLM, FTP, and other Commie leftist groups that love to silence speech that is not conducive to what they subscribe to?  Secret meetings in Georgia with Rove and the high tech companies, smells like a Frank Underwood tactic.  The silent majority is pissed and have every right to be.  Bernie “The Socialist” Sanders says his people were not part of the shutdown of the Chicago rally….well, funny you see tons of Sanders signs and folks Feeling the Bern.  The silent majority is not going to be quiet any longer…the RINOS and Democrats are going to feel their wrath at the ballot box in November…the establishment on both sides will not take their heads out of the sand long enough to see it.  Also on the hypocrisy of the Left is mind numbing.  They are comparing Trump to Hitler since folks raise their right hands…well here is a 512766546.jpg

picture of Clinton  doing the same: (courtesy of Deathandtaxes mag).  So is Hillary a Hitler?  Of course not.  She is waving hello, but you can see how easy it is to make any accusation you want.  Anyway, if you are a Democrat or a Republican, support your party and ensure a smooth election cycle.  I have a horrible feeling it is going to be a rough summer at the conventions.  If you want to hear me live, tune into the Brower Report every Tuesday night from 8-9pm.  We are on ITunes, Blogtalk Radio and Facebook streaming.  Here are the links:



House of Cards…GOP style.

We Are Doomed!!!!!

So, let me see if I get this right….the next generation of Millennials are all for their precious Bernie Sanders.  The thought of free money, college, sticking it to the man, etc appeals to them and it makes me sick.  The liberal Department of Education has drummed into their heads the thought that Capitalism is bad and we need to be more free…ie, take from those that work and give to the lazy slugs that don’t.  This guy is not even a Democrat, he is an Independent that considers himself a proud Socialist.  So here is a little history of how great Socialism is.  Let’s take Venezuela for example.  There are riots in the streets, shortages of food, political thought that is contrary to their belief is against the law and people disappear and the people are crying out for change.  The Millennials want their safe spaces and freedom to protest, which is a right, but the scary thing is that they want to silence any other speech that doesn’t fit their narrative.  When is the last time you saw anyone on the right object to free speech?  It just doesn’t happen.  I was very involved in the Tea Party movement a few years back and the respect that the people that attended the rallies was so overwhelming and it made me proud….flash forward to Missouri State campus and the professor is calling out for muscle to get a reporter out of the way.  Our world is upside down and we need strong leaders to bring us back to where we belong.  I also urge the Millennials that look to their savior and feel the BERN to think about their hard working parents.  When his tax plan goes into place, there will no longer be extra activities, vacations, etc since most of the pay will go to the support of Murdor on the Potomac.  There will be more people sucking off the teat of the government.  The system that we know will collapse.  The coddling they are receiving now will hurt them greatly when they get into the real world.  The work ethic that I witness every day is falling to pitiful levels and the demands these kids make is absurd.  Parents, talk to  you kids.  Look and review the stuff they are learning in school and if you don’t shame on you…since you will be just as guilty in the bringing down of the American dream.

We Are Doomed!!!!!